Pojdi na glavno vsebino

We help our customers to identify the potential for saving energy, increasing energy efficiency and reducing the specific use of energy in their processes.

A detailed inspection of the current use of energy and energy systems and a subsequent analysis are basic requirements for the professional identification of the steps necessary to improve a customer’s energy efficiency.

Measurements of energy flows (heating, cooling and electrical energy)

As part of energy consulting, which includes defining the potential to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs, we carry out measurements of energy flows on the customer’s premises.

Based on the resulting Sankey diagram, customers get an insight into the current state of energy flows and, with the proposed measures to increase energy efficiency, an insight into its state after action has been taken.

Determining the energy flows of the entire energy system and its subsystems is particularly important in view of the specific energy use. This presents an indication of energy efficiency in the process, useful for both internal and external comparisons.

Internal comparison, i.e. benchmarking, illustrates the efficiency of the process within individual shifts, seasons or between working and non-working days. On the other hand, the external comparison shows the specific use of energy compared to the average or lowest use in the sector.

Measurements with portable measurement devices are carried out for electricity, for heat energy – a liquid medium and for cooling energy – water medium.

We use measuring equipment produced by top manufacturers, and the measurements are carried out by certified staff.

Measurements of energy flows

Meter reading system

For our customers who have fixed measuring instruments, not integrated in the information system, we provide, along with our partner company, an integration of measuring instruments (water metres, gas metres, electric power analysers, calorimeters) that are based on various communication protocols into a single information system. The technological solution is based on data transfer from metres to the signal concentrator via radio signal, which enables fast and simple integration at lower investment cost compared to wiring.

Waste heat utilization systems

For production processes with releases of waste heat that cannot be used with conventional technologies because of its characteristics (polluted air, low temperature level, dust particles, etc.), we provide waste heat recuperators with advanced heat-pipe technology. The advantages of this technology are in simple cleaning and servicing, elimination of cold spots at starts – and consequently a longer life span – and particularly its functionality.

In energy-intensive industries, we offer customers the development of a project by defining the technical solution, planning and supplying the equipment of the leading producer of heat-pipe heat exchangers, namely Econoterm ltd.

Development of projects and feasibility studies

For all our product groups (CHP, waste heat utilisation systems, etc.), we provide project preparation and development, including an investment feasibility study with a cost-benefit analysis, backed with energy, environmental and financial impacts. Professionals from different sectors with numerous references and the required competences (they are EUREM certified) are included in the project development, while the input assumptions are verified and confirmed based on the results of the measurements carried out.

Energy audits

With energy audits we identify the potential for improvements. A detailed inspection of the current consumption of energy and energy systems and a subsequent analysis are the foundation for the professional identification of the steps necessary to improve a customer’s energy efficiency. In this process we consider the related energy and cost savings, the level of investment and consumption, the return period, the priority given to each suggested measure and eligibility with regard to obtaining any available subsidies.


Supply and installation of CHP 360 kW with long-term maintenance.
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